Tag Archives: Internet law

Dan Shefet

Dan Shefet is a Paris-based attorney whose firm, Cabinet Shefet, specializes in internet, intellectual and competition law.  When he forced Google to remove links to defamatory information about him in 2014, the case made worldwide headlines. He has since established the Association for Accountability and Internet Democracy (AAID).  AAID is lobbying the European Commission to introduce rules to make it easier for others to remove harmful information online. Its board of directors includes experts and former government representatives in Denmark, Germany and many other countries.

At a recent Council of Europe’s Parliamentary Assembly Session in Strasbourg, AAID’s Motion for Recommendation for the creation of an Internet Ombudsman was supported by 26 parliamentarians and 12 countries. That proposed Ombudsman will qualify content on the Internet as lawful or unlawful by means of a content review procedure. What are your next steps to push this initiative further?

We are very pleased that the values of a fairer and more humane internet reflected in AAID’s Charter is getting increasing support from policy makers and international organisations around the world. We have just welcomed to our Board Bruno Lanvin and Sam Pitroda and are excited to take the next steps to further our values.  Our analysis of both the net’s potential and actual harm to individuals, society (fake news, for instance) and world stability is winning increasing acceptance. Our proposals address a real and growing concern. We are emboldened by the support we have already secured from major international organizations. Our next steps will be to structure these contacts into partnerships that allow us to promote an “Internet of Values”. We plan to appoint local chapters of AAID, organize conferences, nominate Good Will Ambassadors and roll out a global media strategy. Also, we intend to publish a World Wide index on how well other country’s oversight of the internet protects human rights and promotes recognition of rights available to internet users beyond freedom of speech (or rather freedom to speak). Such an index will provide a deeper and truer picture of the protection of rights on the Net. 

With AAID, your goal is to make search engines legally responsible for the information they publish. You have gained tremendous support from European policy makers. Now, you are bringing the debate to America. How can the “Right to be Forgotten” initiative and your larger goals succeed in this land of freedom of speech?

We are staunch supporters of free speech. In our opinion the true meaning of freedom of speech is freedom to speak. Freedom to speak allows one to express their thoughts without muting or harming the ability of another to speak. We believe that this analysis is what the First Amendment essentially protects. It also reflects the common concern our American friends share about the internet becoming a weapon of hatred, incitement, defamation and intolerance. The freedom that is protected by the strong American tradition of free speech is exposed to increased corruption and dilution on the Internet due to the First Amendment’s exclusive and dominant protection. It is also enabled by the Communications Decency Act, Section 230, which governs Internet content in the U.S. and frees website owners from liability for what is posted on their sites. There is no cultural justification for human suffering. On more than one occasion have we seen the moral strength of the American people to do the right thing. We have no doubt that a balanced approach to the protection of human integrity, democracy and stability on the Internet can also be achieved in the US.

You have expressed concern over the lack of knowledge in the U.S. about the legal theory and philosophy behind the “Right to be Forgotten” and the European approach to Internet regulation. Please explain why and what you would like Americans to know or consider.  

The “Right to be Forgotten” is a misnomer. It refers to the right to have your name dereferenced under certain specific conditions. The judgment of the European Court of Justice of 13th May 2014 was — from a technical point view — an answer to a prejudicial question posed by the Court and Data Protection Agency in Madrid relative to the interpretation of the EU Directive 1995/46 (which has since been replaced by a Regulation on Data Privacy). In other words, the judgement reflects a pure legal analysis. However, this judgement has been misconstrued as conferring a right to anyone to have information about him/her deleted on an almost arbitrary basis thus infringing the right of the public to access information and thereby imposing a restriction on freedom of speech. The truth of the matter is that the right to be forgotten is a right to preserve personal integrity in a world where your very existence is a function of what the net says about you. It is the first effective legal protection of the individual against mob innuendo, rumor, and falsehoods.  It is the only defense provided against invisible and hitherto invincible forces when your life has turned into despair and daily suffering. It is not a right to have well-founded criticism about you deleted or suppressed.

You have spoken extensively about how the lawlessness, persecution of individuals and lack of accountability on the internet leads to human suffering. What is your advice to anyone facing such a situation? Are there any preventive steps you recommend?  

I call upon victims of cyber persecution to write us at AAID. The only way to deal effectively with the problem is by putting pressure on policymakers and secure public support. Remember that the might of the internet Titans is built on clicks. If public opinion no longer supports their failure to recognize the value of us all as human beings (and not just big data statistics), those clicks may just go in another direction.


A French lawyer born in Denmark, Dan Shefet holds a Philosophy Degree and a Law Degree from the University of Copenhagen. Specializing in European Law, Competition Law as well as Human Rights in general and in the IT environment in particular, he participates in conferences in academic venues on IT Law, Data Privacy and Human Rights on the internet. In 2014 he founded the Association for Accountability and Internet Democracy (AAID) the main objective of which is to introduce a general principle of accountability on the internet in order to secure the protection of human integrity. He serves as an Individual Specialist to UNESCO.

This is the fourteenth in a series of interviews with experts whose work relates to online reputation management.

Related topics:  

Critics Claim Communications Decency Act Enables Human Trafficking  

Removing Content from Google in the U.S.  

Online Reputations Hampered by Outdated Law

Legal Options When Battling Online Copyright Infringement, by Christine Rafin, Esq.

Christine Rafin, Esq. serves as Associate General Counsel – Media and Compliance at American Media, Inc. and is a former partner in the New York City law firm of Kent, Beatty & Gordon, LLP, specializing in technology-related legal issues. She is a guest contributor to You(Online).

Whether someone copies and publishes a photograph that you took, a blog post that you wrote or completely mirrors your webpage and passes it off as their own, you have several legal rights.  One of the most cost-efficient and expeditious options available to you arises under a federal law known as the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (the “DMCA”).


The DMCA requires Internet Service Providers (“ISPs”) to remove or otherwise disable access to online content that may constitute copyright infringement upon receiving proper notification (a “DMCA Notice”).  There are strict requirements for a DMCA Notice to be valid.

How to send a DMCA Notice

In my experience, some clients who have sent DMCA Notices on their own have overlooked the statute’s strict notice requirements.  In many instances, the ISP responded by rejecting the notice and refusing to take down the infringing material unless a proper notice was served.  It is imperative that your DMCA Notice follow the statute’s requirements to be effective.

So…What are the Requirements?

The DMCA Notice must be in writing and signed by the copyright owner or a person authorized to act on its behalf (e.g., his, her or its attorney).  It must be transmitted to the ISP’s designated agent for service of such notices.  Finding the designated agent should not be problematic in most cases.  Many websites provide step-by-step instructions for the submission of DMCA Notices.  These instructions often appear on the website’s homepage through a “Terms” (Terms of Use; Terms of Service, etc.), “Copyright/IP Policy” or other similar link.  The U.S. Copyright Office also maintains an online public DMCA Designated Agent Directory that is easily searchable.  The database is extensive because ISPs must submit their relevant information to the Copyright Office to fall within the DMCA’s “safe harbor” from copyright infringement liability.  If you remain unable to discover the identity of the relevant designated agent, you should be able to get the information through a “WhoIs” search on a site like networksolutions.com.

Once you know where the DMCA Notice must be sent, make sure that you sufficiently identify the work that allegedly was infringed and state that you have an exclusive right to use that work.   Of course, the DMCA Notice must also adequately identify the alleged infringing work so that the ISP can locate it and take it down.  You must provide your relevant contact information, along with a statement that you have a good faith belief that the use of the material is not authorized.  Finally, your DMCA Notice must include a statement under penalty of perjury that its contents are accurate.

What Happens Next?

Upon receiving a proper DMCA Notice, the ISP must respond expeditiously to remove – or disable access to – the alleged infringing material.  It also must take reasonable steps to notify the alleged infringer that the material was removed or otherwise disabled.  The alleged infringer then has the right to file a “counter notification” to dispute your allegations.  Like the DMCA Notice, the counter notification has strict requirements.  In many instances, a counter notification is never filed and the case, so to speak, is closed and the material remains down.  However, if a proper counter notification is submitted, the ISP must replace the alleged infringing material unless you promptly file a lawsuit seeking a restraining order and provide notice of that lawsuit to the ISP’s designated agent.  Then the dispute will be in the court’s hands.

What if I Want to Identify the Infringer and Litigate for Money Damages?

The DMCA also provides an avenue by which you may seek to uncover the identity of the infringer through a pre-litigation subpoena.  While this requires legal action to get a court to issue a subpoena to the relevant website, webhost or ISP, a lawsuit, per se, is not necessary.  You would have to commence a miscellaneous action in federal district court and file a copy of the DMCA Notice along with a proposed subpoena and sworn declaration attesting to the purpose of the subpoena (e.g., to obtain the alleged infringer’s identity for the purpose of protecting your rights under the DMCA).

Of course, depending on the facts of your case, you may want to continue with a lawsuit against the infringer.  There are several issues to consider before litigating a copyright infringement lawsuit, and it is important to note that any significant money damages may only be recovered if you have a registered copyright.

About the Author

Christine Rafin, Esq. is Assistant General Counsel – Media at American Media, Inc. in New York.  She regularly speaks and writes on marketing, promotions, intellectual property and technology-related issues.

She is the author of  “An Attorney’s Advice for Removing Negative, Defamatory and Infringing Material from the Internet,” published here in conjunction with this article, and the co-author of What to Do When You Are the Victim of Online Defamation,” published here in June 2014.

The information presented is for informational purposes only, is not legal advice, is not to be acted on as such and is subject to change without notice.  Each situation is unique, and you should not act or rely on any information contained herein without seeking the advice of an experienced attorney.