
  • Digital Footprints Led to Petraeus Crisis

    IP addresses and other digital footprints make online anonymity more difficult to attain than it appears – especially when public email servers like Google, Yahoo and similar providers are used for their emails. Such sites…Read more

  • The Obama Presidential Campaign’s Winning Technology

    Online technology fueled the Obama campaign win, reports Steve Lohr.The tools and techniques utilized by the Obama technology engineers are promising because they can be adapted in campaigns everywhere: not only in politics but to…Read more

  • Fake Online Reviews -Yelp Steps up to the Plate

    Fake reviews on Yelp and similar sites are an integral part of Internet culture. Today technology reporter David Streitfeld writes about Yelp’s new strategy for reducing inaccurate listings. Yelp’s action is a signal that the…Read more

  • Jon Rimmerman’s Free Daily Email Now a $30 Million Business

    Jon Rimmerman writes a wry, witty, entertaining daily email extolling the pleasures of wines – recommending some, panning others. “The Pied Piper of Wine” built Garagiste -- a $30 million a year wine sales business…Read more

  • Reputation Is a Key Driver In Competing for Work Online

    This morning, Quentin Hardy at The New York Times’ Bits blog wrote about new survey findings from the two largest online staffing companies. It is sobering reading for anyone whose occupation faces competition by a…Read more

  • Arnold Schwarzenegger

    Schwarzenegger’s Campaign to Repair His Image

    Arnold Schwarzenegger has undertaken a campaign to restore his public image. But in a host of negative reviews the media has judged that attempt unsatisfactory.Read more

  • Refs Are Key to Reputation, NFL Discovers

    Though the uproar over replacement referees actually boosted television ratings, the swift end to the NFL referee lockout last week demonstrated how important integrity and quality is to the league and its millions of fans.…Read more

  • The Great American Wikipedia Dispute

    Earlier this month Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist Philip Roth published an unusual article on The New Yorker’s Page-Turner blog: “An Open Letter to Wikipedia.” Roth is not alone in experiencing acute – and understandable – frustration…Read more