Tag Archives: JennaMarbles

As Lizzie Widdicombe’s recent New Yorker article about Vice Media illustrates, YouTube has become the most important social media platform for reaching teens, 20- and 30-somethings.

It is also a major communications outlet for mainstream companies like Toyota, whose YouTube channel has attracted over 47 million views.

YouTube is even being used by conservative financial industry firms as a way to share documentary-style videos about how they benefit the world…in part to warm up frustrated consumers.  So if you lead a business, political or philanthropic organization,  The Woman With 1 Billion Clicks, Jenna Marbles, Amy O’Leary’s New York Times Style article, is illuminating.

Jenna Marbles is a 26 year old comedian who creates low-tech, self-deprecating, profane videos that teen-age girls find hilarious. Her viewers include future deciders of American political races, major purchasers of consumer goods, and our next workforce. If that audience is important to you or your organization, watching a couple of her videos is a good way to gain more insight into it…and into social media.