Tag Archives: the business of art

Reputation Management in the Elon Musk Twitter Era

Daniel Grant, a business writer for re:sculptThe International Sculpture Center’s blog — interviewed Shannon Wilkinson, our CEO, about the importance of social media in art marketing. As the art industry expands, social media is an important adjunct to mainstream marketing and PR. So we appreciate the opportunity that ISC has provided to contribute to the growing dialogue about this issue. An excerpt:

Social media culture is a community,” she said. “First and foremost, it is about connecting and sharing. It is not about endless self-promotion, although many people misuse it in that way.”

The first step is building a community of what she called “influencers,” referring to gallery owners, museum staff, grant-making and awards organizations, journalists, critics, collectors and sponsors, as well as other artists – “people who play active roles in making decisions, policies and statements that impact the art world, in particular, the art world that is most relevant to an artist.”

Building that community involves researching the audience that matters to the particular artist. For instance, a sculptor might conduct a hashtag search for “#sculpture,” which will offer a sense of what is currently on Twitter and Instagram in that space. Next, artists should conduct searches for the magazines, writers, institutions and organizations that are most active in supporting their particular type of art, following those that interest them and are relevant to their careers. After that, artists might start examining who those people and institutions follow, following the ones who interests them.”

You can read the full article at this link: Using Social Media to Market your Work. If you are an artist or art gallery and would like to learn more about how our services can help you reach your promotional goals, please contact us here.

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