Tag Archives: Thomas Friedman

Right to be Forgotten on Google

Last week, New York Times writer Thomas L. Friedman published an Op-Ed piece titled, “The Start-Up of You.” It was inspired by LinkedIn co-founder Reid Garrett Hoffman’s upcoming book on career strategies, coming out in early 2012.

Hoffman’s advice for attaining career success is to think entrepreneurially: add value to and differentiate yourself. Friedman wove that theme within the context of current economic and employment upheaval.

Here is some additional advice: to be credible and make an impact on the issues that matter to you, manage your reputation. That doesn’t mean pretending to be someone you aren’t or whitewashing your background. It simply means telling your story in online and social platforms that reach the audience you care about.

Establishing and maintaining a strong online reputation – one you have some control over – is an invaluable tool for building trust in your social and professional life. If it is authentic, the resulting credibility will help “You, Inc.” form the relationships to empower change in your life – and in the world.