Blog:  Your Legal Rights on the Internet

Isabella Kirshner interview at You Online

We have received hundreds of questions about Internet law over the last decade.

As a result, we publish extensive information on that topic, including the top-ranked article, An Attorney’s Advice for Removing Negative, Defamatory and Infringing Material from the Internet, by Christine Rafin, Esq.

As part of a three-part discussion on the reputation risks facing high net worth families, we filmed this conversation about internet law with Ms. Rafin, an Internet law expert and Associate General Counsel – Media and Compliance at American Media, LLC, and Dan Shefet, a French lawyer based in Paris, and a leading expert in Internet and privacy law in Europe and other countries.

If you have questions regarding your legal rights online, it is a good starting place for learning more about what you need to know: the law is the same for everyone regardless of your economic standing. The video is 30-minutes long and addresses the most common reputation damage and related issues harming people online.

When you do not have any legal recourse for the reputation issues you face, an online reputation management strategy will create positive new on the Internet that will appear on the first page or two of Google, and replace much or all of what is there.